The Real Dog Yoga
Calm. Focus. Clarity. Stillness
What is Real Dog Yoga?: Real Dog Yoga is a programme of training. Which involves teaching dogs to express and hold specific body postures, expressions and actions that stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and help them to become or remain calm.
We teach the Real Dog Yoga using 'option' training, where dogs have specific areas and communication signals they can use to opt out at any point. Regular breaks are taken following a session to ensure that emotional stressors such as frustration do not complicate learning patterns.
Real Dog Yoga has a set of 30 postures (which are broken into 3 sets: sitting, laying and standing) as well as 15 actions and 10 expressions.
These are designed to help the dog learn to become or maintain calmness. It also helps to increase the dog and human interspecies vocabulary and create better understanding and compassion. The postures, expressions and actions also increase body awareness, muscle control and communication with the owners. They can be taught to any age or breed of dog with any age owner.

A 3 week introduction to "The Real Dog Yoga"
We are offering a 3 week introduction to The Real Dog Yoga, we will take you through the theory and background and then guide you and your dog through some basic postures.
We aim to have taught you by the end of the 3 weeks at least 5 postures.
Dogs are taught using the most force free and unpressured learning environment by Sue Price a qualified and certified instructor.
Class sizes are kept to just 4 to ensure maximum attention and a manageable environment for the dogs. Class costs £40 for the 3 weeks and weekly notes are provided for each of the postures taught.
Please note all dogs must be happy to be around humans and other dogs, and have attended at least puppy school or equivalent.
Please contact us if you are not sure your dog is suitable.

Class Dates
Dog Yoga at Wyre Piddle Village Hall, Near Pershore:-
Next Dates to be confirmed
Dog Yoga at Childswickham Memorial Hall, Near Broadway:-
Next Dates to be confirmed
* Please note all class dates may be subject to change if weather or conditions out of our control occur.